About Us
Tailored Solutions
Empowering Education
Welcome to Miro Education Consultants, a dynamic team dedicated to transforming the educational landscape. Our consultancy is founded on the principles of empowering educators, inspiring growth, and driving excellence across early childhood education.

Alison Stern

Nicola Davies
Alison Stern
- Bachelor of Teaching and Learning ECE ( University of Canterbury)
- Diploma of Teaching ( ECE) – Open Polytechnic of NZ
- Diploma of Montessori Method 3-6 years (St Nicholas / MCI London)
- IECL Level 1 certificate Coaching.
Experience in education.
With over 26 years experience in early childhood education, mostly in Aotearoa / NZ, Alison brings a wealth of knowledge and leadership skills with the aim of supporting leaders and teachers in education.
Starting as a parent helper in a community based Montessori in the UK who put her through training, Alison came to New Zealand in 2002 and worked as Montessori guide in a private centre in Hamilton. Whilst here, other qualification followed and she worked whilst studying by distance, relieving across the wider early learning sector to gain a broader perspective. Several years followed as a Kindergarten teacher in rural areas, then in city Kindergartens, eventually becoming Head Teacher in both rural and urban settings.
- The development of Ngā Ara Whai Hua – Quality Evaluation framework for ECE.
- Being an implementation leader of the Akarangi / Quality Evaluation reviews, starting in term 4,2020
- Participated in the national working group for the development and implementation of Akanuku/ Assurance reviews
- On the national internal reference group for the development of Te Ara Poutama – the new indicators for ECE as well as trialling these with governing organisations in 2018. This involved in working with some of NZ’s key academics.
Two years were spent as a Manager within ERO and this involved professional development in leadership and coaching, supporting a team of Review Officers across regional offices, facilitating sector engagement hui for service leaders and tertiary providers, and liaised with Ministry of Education counterparts. She also designed and facilitated professional development within ERO.
Services offered:
Support with:
- Internal evaluation
- External evaluation – preparing for ERO or Ministry of Education
- Curriculum design
- Leadership and teamwork
- Business skills including strategic and annual planning, systems and processes
- Mentoring and coaching
- Professional growth cycle / appraisal including observations and feedback of team
- Establishing a new centre
- Compliance and licensing
- Board of Trustees or Committee support
- Later in 2024 – workshops and networking opportunities
Nicola Davies
Education Consultant
- Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education
- Full Teacher Registration (expired)-STC #302656
- Certificate in Professional Childcare
With over 24 years of teaching experience in ECE, Nicola has developed strong leadership, mentoring and coaching skills and sound knowledge of the Early Childhood Education Sector. Efficient time management and effective communication skills, Nicola is an attentive listener, forward planner, and demonstrates attention to detail, quality practices and professionalism. Nicola has strong marketing and promotional experience; she is relationship focussed and results driven. Nicola is an experienced Professional Learning & Development provider and event planner. Sound organisational skills enable effective motivating, positive social skills and teamwork. Strong focus on building and maintaining teacher capability and competence.
Employment with the Education Review office (ERO) from 2015 to 2021 as an
Review officer and Evaluator of services/schools for delivering education, Nicola developed the following skills, focusing on working through equity and excellence processes with a view on quality education delivery.
- Evaluator of Early childhood services and centres across the central region
- Full Primary and contributing primary schools Evaluation.
- Intermediate schools and Secondary school evaluation.
Throughout the above processes, Nicola developed knowledge of assessment both in ECE and Schools, sound knowledge of Te Whāriki, and NZ curriculum and robust knowledge and experience with ECE regulations and legislative requirements. While at ERO Nicola promoted positive and active working relationships with Ministry of Education. Nicola has a strong knowledge of health & safety being the Health and Safety officer (Hamilton office) and National delegate for implementing H&S. Working groups Nicola was engaged in
- national ERO project work- Te Whaariki 2017 working group,
- national ERO project work- Assurance reviews for ELC requiring support.
Our Mission
At Miro Education Consultants, our mission is to provide transformative solutions that empower educators, leaders, and institutions to unlock the full potential of every learner. Through strategic leadership, equity and inclusion initiatives, and continuous improvement strategies, we strive to create inclusive, innovative, and impactful learning environments.
What We Offer
From strategic leadership support and curriculum design to compliance assistance and mentorship programs, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of educators and institutions. Our commitment to excellence drives us to deliver results that inspire growth and drive positive change in education.
Get In Touch
Ready to embark on a journey of educational transformation? Reach out to us today and let’s collaborate to achieve your educational goals.